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In person in a sentence

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Sentence count:156+7Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: personallySimilar words: personpersonalpersonallypersonnelthe first personever soor soinputMeaning: adv. in the flesh; without involving anyone else in-person. adj. an appearance carried out personally in someone else's physical presence. 
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61. In person, the Esquire columnist and author of four books is hyperactive, edgy and funnier than any stand-up comic.
62. In person they looked somehow smaller than he had expected, less glamorous, certainly younger.
63. The prince was renowned for his bravery, and chose to lead his troops in person.
64. In person,[ person.html] this seemingly mild man is a great deal more watchable and engaging than some of his movies.
65. There may well be such an order in the case of litigants in person.
66. Clinton was said to be ready to confer with Reno in person and announce his decision as early as Friday.
67. He might proceed against the judgment debtor in person; or against his property.
68. House of Fraser deputy finance director, Richard Scott, broke the news in person to shocked staff and managers.
69. Premier Wen Jiabao commands the earthquake locale in person.
70. I really must risk some Louis in person.
71. You apply in person or by letter.
72. All qualified applicants are requested to apply in person.
73. They were too scared to apply in person.
74. Applicants are requested to apply in person.
75. In person she was completely unimpressive.
76. L 'homme propose[], also in person.
77. If your passport has been, altered or damaged , you cannot apply by apply in person.
78. The arrangement must be approved by Xantrex's shareholders by the affirmative vote of at least 66.7% of the votes cast, in person or by proxy, at a shareholders meeting.
79. Candidate must accept the award in person at the Rotary International Convention in Malmo-Copenhagen, June2006; the award will not be presented posthumously.
80. Reporters in person to detect and shoot digital photos of the snow - screen, and draw a conclusion.
81. He went to Dunhuang of Gansu in person to inspect the protection work of the Dunhuang Caves in 1957 and offered his cogitative suggestions.
82. You can argue that the government, largely in person of Barney Frank messes things up by encouraging Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make a market of loans t really have been made in the first place.
83. Whether you use a calendar, a tickler file, or an assistant (in person or computerized) to rattle your cage at a designated time is simply up to what works best and is easiest for you.
84. All application should be made in person or by post, first-come-first-serve.
85. Please return this form to any Fubon branch in person if Primary Account is a Credit Card account.
86. Although this is an internet site, they have listings of clubs and meetings for all over the world that meet in person.
87. In person, Little Shenyang is modest, even polite, making it hard to imagine him telling off-color jokes, prancing about in full makeup and sequined hair clips, squeaking, "I'm all man!"
88. All orders can be placed, paid and picked - up directly at the Distribution Center in person.
89. Please complete this form with signature and return it to any Fubon branch in person or mail to Fubon Bank GPO Box 9878, Hong Kong.
90. All shareholders are to be present in person or by proxy.
More similar words: personpersonalpersonallypersonnelthe first personever soor soinputin partsonin placein publicin point ofin place ofpass onreasonseasonin practiceprisonerresonatein seasonin particulara case in pointcomparisonhersin proportion toothersby comparisonPersianpersist
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